Selasa, 27 April 2010

Where To Start

Yes my friend. I know just how you feel.
I don't know what to work on first.
The new puppy sure has us spinning. He's settling in though. I am working around his schedule. I made a coffee an hour ago and can't remember where I left it...and since he is napping within range of my chair, I can't get up to look for it. So post I will. Then I will have completed something. I have only two goals today.
1. Try not to create too much anxiety in the new puppy whilst I run to the post office and bank. I can do that in under 30 minutes if I focus.
2. Put away everything on my big table. Currently it holds the contents from my Paris trip and the last few weeks of March when I was preparing for the One of A Kind and The Shopping channel appearance. I think it can be done. We'll see. As soon as I leave a room the pup attacks the fringe on the rolling them up might go on today's agenda.
That's it. The puppy rules around here this week. Okay, he's still asleep. I might go visit some blogs to get caught up on everyone else's projects!

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