Welcome to the fourth edition of The Pulse -- The State of the Art -- a survey in words and pictures of the online artist community. The Pulse is a collaborative project that aims to introduce you to new artists, help you get to know familiar faces even more, and allow you access into the creative hearts and minds of a very talented crew of individuals.
Over 150 (!) artists have answered a series of questions which make up The Pulse. Their responses will be presented as a series of online and print projects. And the first continues right now!
Join the The Altered Page every Sunday for "Secret Sunday." Here the secrets of all your favorite artists will be revealed. It could be a technique, a product, a secret source, a little-known website, a hidden shop, an inspiration, just about anything! If you missed any, no worries. You can find links to all the secrets on the sidebar of my blog.
Today's secret.......From the Inside!
&rew Borloz
Blog: &rew's Wanderlusts & Explorations
Blog: &rew's Creative Life
Blog: &rew's Urban Paper Arts
Do the opposite of what others would "normally" do or think. Go in the opposite direction of where others would go. Always carry a camera with you wherever you go as you might unexpectedly find something interesting.

Barbara Kleinhans
Website: Barbara Kleinhans
Flickr: Barbara Kleinhans
I enjoy being an artist much more after I let go of it being my primary income source. Instead of concentrating on how many sales I needed to make or what to paint that would sell, I feel gratitude at the connection others have with my artwork, relish the process of painting (even when it doesn't turn out quite right), and am happy when a painting goes off to a new home.

Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
Blog: Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
My art secret is not exactly a technique or process but more of an attitude. I live with a chronic debilitating progress disease and have tried to seek a harmonious balance in my spiritual and physical worlds. Daily I strive to find calm quiet movements, quiet calm moments and recognize my body is my temple. Given a correct balance I am privileged to be able to keep making my sacred marks. The medium seems to be evolving and that is a gift in so many ways. On days when I am out of remission I allow my body to listen with my heart and try a new avenue for sharing my stories and legacy. I do not dwell on the financial rewards even though when this is available I feel a sense of relief to be able to give back to my family, my community and my global world. Being an artist is a privilege that comes with the responsibility to make the world a better more equal community where diversity is not only allowed but totally desired.
Brian Kasstle
Blog: A Man Who Crafts
Keep learning, take classes, seminars, stretch your boundaries and comfort zone. You never know where it will take you.
Cyn Richardson
Blog: Two Blue Crows
My only secret to share is the ability to "let go" to "play" and let the art come from the inner source found in everyone if they can just let it out.

"Sunrise Through the Storm" Acrylics, 5" x 7"
grrl & dog
Blog: grrl & dog
There will be a thread to your work. It could be a persistent thought or line that surfaces again and again, it may manifest in a color or a certain fabric or way of doing something that for you is so natural, so completely unconscious, you don’t even know you’re doing it.
That is your style...that is what will grow up to be your style if you allow it to rise and say hello to you. It won’t be a major thing, it will be just a little something; others will spot it before you do. When they do, you will be slightly puzzled, and say “oh..that...”.
But that is your style. Once you get to know each other, to trust each other, wonderful things will happen.
Fran Meneley
Blog: Fran Meneley
Ok, here’s my big secret – PAY ATTENTION. No, really. It’s the biggest addition to your mixed media arsenal. How much goes by us unnoticed? The smallest thing can make the biggest difference. Paying attention involves slowing down and tuning in. Breathe. Look around. Really look and see. All kinds of things come into focus; there is so much inspiration around us. I think as artists we are always looking, always on the lookout. But there’s no big secret, it’s just about paying attention. What we notice and what comes to us and how we interpret the world is what makes each of us unique – and it’s what makes our art interesting and engaging and compelling.
This was brought home to me in a very big way, in a way that I somehow finally got "it", in Oaxaca, Mexico a couple of years ago. I was sitting in the courtyard of a potter’s studio. We’d seen a wonderful demonstration, it was toward the end of the day. My day had been filled with so many wondrous things, I was kind of on overload. A couple of us sat on a bench in front of a table. It had a group of “random” fruits and vegetables and flowers – at first glance.

But one of the women said, “oh look what a beautiful still life.” And when I took the time to really look, to tune in, what I beheld was indeed a beautiful still life.

This idea of tuning in and Paying Attention, really crystallized for me in that moment. So my big art secret is PAY ATTENTION – it’s all there, all the time, it’s all happening, just pay attention.
Julie Prichard
Blog & Website: The Land of Lost Luggage
I have learned to let go and be myself; to ignore my inner critic.

Michelle Smith
Blog: My Green Gravity
Mixed media challenge blog: Reality Scraps
I have found art mistakes are some of the best ways to achieve a delightful and surprising end result.
Patricia Anders
Blog: Patricia Anders
Website: Art Propensity
Etsy: Triciajoy
Flickr: Tricia Anders
I look for opportunities to surprise people with small artworks or prints by leaving things on the street for free. Like easter eggs with mini art inside or treasure boxes or small prints.

Here is an image of "thought bubbles" that are like mini pinatas with a message or thought inside and a mini piece of art, they can be opened by pulling the string. I will randomly drop this here and there for passer bys to find.
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