Kamis, 19 Februari 2009

Mission Accomplished

I have been a part of the Global Guerilla (K)nit Up that Grrl from grrl + dog is sponsoring. Basically, guerilla knitters are artists who attach handmade, knitted wraps around trees, poles, benches, etc. This has definitely become a worldwide phenomenon and I just could let this one pass me by. With no knitting skills, I improvised. Artistic license if you will.

Jill from Jazworks and I decided to collaborate on this and we each created different pieces to wrap around the same tree. Said tree, as can be seen in the photos, is definitely a typical New York City tree.

While no passerbyers even blinked an eye - typical in New York City - we did attract the attention of the workers of the church whose tree we were decorating (aka, defacing). I think we won them over, however, after we explained what we were doing and why we had chosen to honor their tree.

I wanted to make this interactive and part of the community. So my "tag" was a bag filled with paper and pen, along with a request asking people to leave a note. Looking forward to seeing what people have to say.

Thanks grrl!! Click all images to enlarge.

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