Sabtu, 28 Februari 2009


Text Tiles series...continued.

Ingredients: watercolor paper, acrylic paint, watercolor paint, calligraphy ink, walnut ink, marker, dry transfer, rubon letters. approximately 4 1/4" x 3 1/2". click to enlarge.

Available for purchase in The Altered Page on Etsy.

Sold. Thank you!

Jumat, 27 Februari 2009

Text Tiles

Eternal Opportunity...Inspiration has been bubbling for a while and has just started to boil over. And with it begins a new series...Text Tiles. Art all about what I love the most. Layers. Texture. Letters. Symbols. Grunge. These are the first two pieces in the series. More to follow. Different sizes. Different colors. Different substrates. Same theme!



Ingredients: watercolor paper, acrylic paint, watercolor paint, calligraphy ink, marker, dry transfer, rubon letters. approximately 4 1/4" x 3 1/2". click to enlarge.

Available for purchase in The Altered Page on Etsy.

Both sold. Thank you!

Rabu, 25 Februari 2009


70+ artists and counting! Here are some of the newest additions to the Disintegration Collaboration. Check back here in the coming days to see more bundles from participating artists. And keep checking the participants blogs as some artists are already showing new photos of their disintegrating bundles.

For those participating: if you have not received an email from me in the last 2 days, it means I do not have your email address. Please email me so I can send you some information. Also, if you are participating and do not see your blog in the list of participants on my sidebar, please let me know by email as well. Thanks!!

Don from Fully Flumoxed

Judith from Santa Fe

Lyle from Just a Note

Nikki from Sun Soul Art Thoughts whose link did not work on my last post

Mary from Morning Sun Studio

Annie from Ink Haven

Whitney-Anne from What Whitney Made Next

Kristen from Kristen's Journey

Nelda from Nelda Ream

Dorie from Fiber Fusing

Catherine with pictures posted on her Flickr site

Hermine from Hermine's Place

Jumat, 20 Februari 2009

Peak Week

Some weeks are good. Some weeks are great. And some weeks are peaks! This prior week was definitely one of those in terms of art!

1. Received my copy of Cynjon's new zine, Varietist Muse. I was lucky enough to have a number of pieces of my artwork published in this issue, including the artwork pictured below. This inaugural volume is the "You Say You Want a Change" issue. Click this link to see sample pages and to buy this gem.

2. Worked on papers to send to Lynne and Julie for our Graffiti Wall collaboration.

3. Completed the Global Guerilla (k)nit in with Jill from Jazworks and didn't have to "post" bail! Thank you grrl & dog for sponsoring this cool collaboration.

4. Received Jill's book to work in for the Inner Works Altered Book project. The book is already spectacular and the theme, Designs in Nature, is right up my alley. Here are a few details of Jill's stunning pages. And the last two shots are details from one of my pages in progress.

5. Worked on some other art projects, to be revealed soon.

6. Finally got around to photographing an amazing package of treasures I received a while ago from Karen Cole from Artsortments. If you are not familiar with her amazing copper and acrylic pieces, run right now to her blog! Thanks KC!

Kamis, 19 Februari 2009

Mission Accomplished

I have been a part of the Global Guerilla (K)nit Up that Grrl from grrl + dog is sponsoring. Basically, guerilla knitters are artists who attach handmade, knitted wraps around trees, poles, benches, etc. This has definitely become a worldwide phenomenon and I just could let this one pass me by. With no knitting skills, I improvised. Artistic license if you will.

Jill from Jazworks and I decided to collaborate on this and we each created different pieces to wrap around the same tree. Said tree, as can be seen in the photos, is definitely a typical New York City tree.

While no passerbyers even blinked an eye - typical in New York City - we did attract the attention of the workers of the church whose tree we were decorating (aka, defacing). I think we won them over, however, after we explained what we were doing and why we had chosen to honor their tree.

I wanted to make this interactive and part of the community. So my "tag" was a bag filled with paper and pen, along with a request asking people to leave a note. Looking forward to seeing what people have to say.

Thanks grrl!! Click all images to enlarge.

Senin, 16 Februari 2009

Disintegration Manifestation

Over 50 artists are now participating in the Disintegration Collaboration. Bundles of every imaginable material, shape, and color are hung, tied, buried, and submerged all around the world. Nature is working her magic with snow, rain, hail, sun, wind, earth, fire, and water all interacting with and disintegrating bundles of bundles. On May 1, each artist will reveal the results on their own blog. Between now and then, I will be tracking and spotlighting the process on this blog.

There is still time to participate. Email me with your link if you decide to join. There were 15 new participants over this past weekend. Links to their posts are presented below and some artists who put their own twist on the project are highlighted. Links to all 50+ participants can be found on the sidebar of this blog as well.

Roxanne from River Garden Studio not only made her own unique bundle, that she refers to as a "woven gift for nature," but she introduced the concept to her class in her role as a teacher. All the students created their own bundles, each of which included a written wish or dream that hangs from their creation. Thank you Roxanne for sharing this with your students!

Roxanne's bundle of nature, in nature, and for nature.

A selection of bundles made by Roxanne's creative students.

Susan from Bricolage

Melissa from Each Dazzling Moment

Gail from Expression Studio

Dawn from Windows to Me

Elizabeth from The Last Door Down the Hall

Darlene from Art-ticulation

Melissa from Primfixins

Cynjon from Varietist Muse made an event of it and invited a crew over to make bundles together. All will end up disintegrating together until May 1.

Andrea from The Artful Eye

Diane from Rosa & Josie's

Lumi from Lumilyon

Terry from Artwhispers

Nikki from Sun Soul Art Thoughts

Jacqueline from My Ever-Changing Now

Em joined the project but does not have a blog. I offered to post her before and after shots. She says "They evolved from the need to disintegrate a whole pile of troubles that I have at the moment."

"So the ones in the twisted hazel tree, I put onto paper in different forms, some with secret code, and wrapped them in tea bag paper and the home spun thread that a friend made for me with the feeling that the elements will deal with my troubles by disintegrating them & maybe making something beautiful from them."

"The 'saved from the bin mobile' was a mixed media painting that I decided was ruined and in my moody was going to put in the rubbish bin, then suddenly decided the use in a more creative way - we shall see! All very therapeutic I think."

Please email me if you are participating and you do not see your name on the sidebar and stay tuned for more spotlights!

Sabtu, 14 Februari 2009

Hearts Four You

Sold. Thank you!

Sold. Thank you!

Sold. Thank you!

Sold. Thank you!

Ingredients: watercolor paper, acrylic paint, watercolor paint, calligraphy ink, pigment ink, dry transfer, rubon letters. 4 3/4" x 4 1/4". click to enlarge.

Available for purchase in The Altered Page on Etsy.