Welcome to the third edition of The Pulse: an artist survey. This collaborative project aims to introduce you to new artists, help you get to know familiar faces even more, and allow you access into the creative hearts and minds of a very talented crew of individuals. For links to the sites of the participating artists, please click here.
Today's question: At least for today, your can't-live-without blog or website is... The following is the second of four posts to answer this question.
Shona Cole For art & an artful life: Susan Tuttle’s blog http://ilkasattic.blogspot.com/
For listening to poetry: http://poetryfoundation.org/journal/audio.html
For photography: http://jpgmag.com/
Andrew Borloz http://statcounter.com. I need to know how many people are reading my blog and where they are from.
And http://kellykilmer.blogspot.com - I often buy books, stamps, or paper because of Kelly's recommendations.
Lisa Hoffman Amazon....not too sexy, but I’d hook it up and drip new books intravenously if I could.
Angela Cartwright http://etsy.com…I just have to have my etsy fix with my coffee every day.
Julie Prichard“Habitually Chic” http://habituallychic.blogspot.com/ Alas I am fickle…ask me tomorrow and a new blog may be sitting on top.
Denise Lombardozzi ann texter http://anntexter.com/
Jonna Barnett http://illustrationfriday.com
Deana Hager http://twitter.com, I must admit I am totally addicted. It is great to just type out a random thought no matter what it is. And reading other peoples random thoughts often brings laughter which can make a bad day seem not quite so bad.
Karen Cole Lately I've been checking out http://sabrinawardharrison.com. Her freedom of expression is something I'm forever struggling to achieve. I also, always look at http://tonyscherman.com for inspiration. His large encaustic faces are just amazing.
Nancy Baumiller I would have to say Print & Pattern http://printpattern.blogspot.com This is one website that I frequent for inspiration!
Marilyn Gallas To be honest I cannot live without my own blog. It's my daily life blood. However aside from my own, today I'm hooked on Kelly Rae Roberts blog - http://kellyraeroberts.blogspot.com/
David Castle How about websites that I most definitely CAN live without… any news site (especially the local newspaper and network TV sites) that are allowing people to comment on news stories. The anger, hate, name-calling, etc. that I see is way out of control.
Elis Cooke Awhile ago, I found this artist's website by doing a search for monoprints. Her work takes my mind in different directions!
Karen Q. Cox http://www.justabstractart.com/Just_Abstract_Art/Home.html
Judy Wise I have 138 blogs on my bloglines right now and I can't seem to live without any of them. Of course sometimes I fall behind and have to start over but I really try to follow all of them. There are just so many interesting people out there and so many good blogs.
Kathy Wasilewski I can honestly say that there isn't any one blog that I can't live without, as I personally value, and visit, each blog that is linked to mine. However, if I had to pick one website, it would have to be Paperwhimsy http://paperwhimsy.com as that is the one site that I do generally visit each day. I find that it has everything that I need all in one place....a shoppe full of top-quality images and supplies, a wonderful forum full of encouraging, kind artists, and a gallery full of beautiful ideas and inspiration for the vintage artist.
Kelly Kilmer Just one?!?! I'd have to pick at least 3:
Roben-Marie Smith http://donnadowney.typepad.com/ (she inspires me so!!!)
Sue Pieper Mine of course:) Nina's blog for inspiration(http://ornamental.typepad.com) and a variety of others for tutorials, places to shop, etc. Tammy Vitale's blog (http://tammyvitale.com) always has interesting up to date information and I just love her thought for the day part. My new favorite link is Bead Nerd (http://beadnerd.com) by the name you'd think it's all about beading, but the information & links cross all mediums. And last but not least is Alyson Stanfield's Art Biz Blog (http://artbizblog.com) for all things marketing and business related. I like her no whining allowed approach, it makes me check myself and straighten up!
Linda Woods http://janedevin.com
Binky Bergsman For today, and I emphasize today, my favorite blog is Ornamental, Nina Bagly’s blog http://ornamental.typepad.com. I love her writing. That may change as I am introduced to other blogs.
Mistie Jordan I have a small circle of friends/artists whose blogs I visit regularly. We upload pictures and comment on each others work and progress, and since I live in a very small town with little in the way of an art outlet, this is really helpful to me. In particular, I love Jessie Marianiello’s blog and website. She is a total inspiration and shares so much of her life and work. She is a beautiful person. http://straydogarts.com
Sally Turlington You mean besides the altered page? Today (and most days) I run over to the blogs of folks who have commented on my blog. That usually leads to other artists blogs or web pages. I like to keep an eye on the pulse of what's happening NOW in the world of mixed media - with commentary! Now I must admit I do go to my own blog a lot because of the links to places I like to go - duh. (And let's not forget Google - couldn't do without Googling. (My spell checker didn't even balk at "Googling" - go figure.) And almost always, reading email or Yahoo group mail leads to one web site or another. I love finding new ones and new friends.
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