Selasa, 26 Januari 2010

Open House

10 Sundays and nearly 100 secrets. And so many more to share. A big thank you to everybody who has been a part of Secret Sunday on my blog, whether as a participating artist or as an interested reader. And the Secret Sunday posts are just the first of more than 10 segments of The Pulse - The State of the Art - that will be posted and/or printed in the upcoming months.

This coming Sunday, January 31st, there will be a special edition of Secret Sunday. An open house of sorts. But I need your help to make it happen. I am asking everybody to prepare and share their own secret and leave it as a comment on the 1/31/10 post. Your secret could be a technique, a product, a secret source, a little-known website, a hidden shop, an inspiration, just about anything! And I hope those bloggers who have already shared a secret as part of The Pulse will feel free to leave another as a comment.

So brew the coffee, fill your mug, and stop by this coming Sunday for an earful. And don't forget to share you own secret too!

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