Rabu, 25 Februari 2009


70+ artists and counting! Here are some of the newest additions to the Disintegration Collaboration. Check back here in the coming days to see more bundles from participating artists. And keep checking the participants blogs as some artists are already showing new photos of their disintegrating bundles.

For those participating: if you have not received an email from me in the last 2 days, it means I do not have your email address. Please email me so I can send you some information. Also, if you are participating and do not see your blog in the list of participants on my sidebar, please let me know by email as well. Thanks!!

Don from Fully Flumoxed

Judith from J...de Santa Fe

Lyle from Just a Note

Nikki from Sun Soul Art Thoughts whose link did not work on my last post

Mary from Morning Sun Studio

Annie from Ink Haven

Whitney-Anne from What Whitney Made Next

Kristen from Kristen's Journey

Nelda from Nelda Ream

Dorie from Fiber Fusing

Catherine with pictures posted on her Flickr site

Hermine from Hermine's Place

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